Tuesday, November 11, 2014

New: Online Homework Submission

There is a new method to complete your government homework online for those of you that have asked.  I know many have mentioned that you are able type faster than you write, or that you find it easier to keep everything organized through use of computer copies.  All you need to do to submit your government homework online is click the new link in your left side menu found directly below the link to government homework.  The instructions included below can help with that process.

Please use this form to complete our class reading homework.  This form can be reused for each individual homework assignment.  Please note that there is a set number of eight spaces for answers.  Homework assignments will typically contain many fewer questions than this.  As you complete them, you only need to complete the spaces for the number of questions contained in each individual homework assignment.  If you have any questions or need any help please let me know.